Kids and Family Services
Services Include:
- One-On-One Resources - One of our Case Managers will meet with your family in your home or somewhere in the community to assess the needs of all family members and connect you with community resources that help support your entire family. Case Managers also provide general support, epilepsy education, and advocacy.
- Epilepsy Education - Our staff and qualified volunteers provide instructional presentations covering first aid for seizures and basic epilepsy education. These presentations can be done in-person or remotely.
- Puppet show with life-sized dolls for children from pre-school through 4th grade.
- Youth education - 4th through 12th grade
- Be SMART Manual - An Epilepsy education manual designed for school personnel
- Coffee with caregivers - Led by a fellow caregiver of someone with epilepsy, this group meets twice a month over zoom as a place for support. Please either email Taylor Miller at tmiller@epilepsyinfo.org or follow this link to receive the zoom link.
- Click here for the flyer.

Adult Social Services
Services Include:
- Mental Health Case Management – A community-based service available for adults with epilepsy and a mental health condition. Individuals work one-on-one with a case manager and develop an individualized service plan based on the needs and preferences of the client. The service is designed to assist with increased access to community care, advocacy, and skill building. Case managers and clients work as a team to help achieve individual goals as directed by the person served. This is an evidence-based practice intended to help clients increase overall quality of life and succeed in the community.
- Managing Life with Epilepsy - Now Enrolling for 2025 Sessions Our 8 week online course that covers strategies on how to improve your quality of life with epilepsy.
- This is an evidence-based practice designed by researchers at Case Western Reserve University. If you would like to participate in the next group or have questions, please contact the study coordinator at 216-579-1330.
Click here for the flyer

Community Services
Services Include:
- Information and Referral - Information requests are answered by a licensed social worker to promote epilepsy education, advocacy, and connections to appropriate services.
- Seminar Series - The Seminar Series is a four-part consumer-focused event that addresses issues and concerns voiced by the agency's clients and other individuals affected by epilepsy and their families. These seminars feature presentations by neurologists on relevant epilepsy related topics.
- Stay tuned for 2025 seminar dates and topics. You can watch the 2024 seminars here.
- Public Awareness & Events - The agency hosts five special events each year to help raise community awareness and funds for the Epilepsy Association.
- Stay tuned for 2025 event dates.