We would love to hear from you!
Get in contact! If interested in learning more about our programs and services, contact Epilepsy Association by clicking here or by calling (216) 579-1330.
Kids and Family Services
Services Include:
- One-On-One Resources - Available for families who have a child with epilepsy. Our case managers are available to meet in the community to assess the needs of each family member and connect them with supportive community resources. Our case managers provide general support, epilepsy education, and advocacy.
- Coffee with Caregivers - Led by a fellow caregiver of someone with epilepsy, this group meets twice a month over zoom as a place for support. Please either email Taylor Miller at tmiller@epilepsyinfo.org or follow this link to receive the zoom link.
Click here for the flyer. - Epilepsy Education - Our staff and qualified, trained volunteers provide instructional presentations for students of all grade levels and school staff.
- Puppet Shows - For children in preschool through 4th grade. The program features the puppet character, “Brian”, who has epilepsy. The goal of the program is to educate students in an age-appropriate way while focusing on dispelling myths surrounding epilepsy. Students have an opportunity to ask Brian questions about having epilepsy. The program also reviews head injury prevention.
Fill out this form for access to our Puppet Show video
- Youth education – For children in 5th through 12th grade. Programming provides age-appropriate epilepsy education, first aid for seizures, and a focus on understanding and acceptance of students with epilepsy.
- School Staff Education – Presentation on epilepsy education, first aid for seizures, recognizing seizures in students, and considerations for having a child with epilepsy in the classroom.
- Be SMART Manual - An Epilepsy education manual designed for school personnel. Click here for download.